Recreation Sports

When was the last time you got excited about a sporting event? I realized about a few years back that it had been awhile since I had stopped to enjoy my free time, so I started investing a significant amount of time into learning more and more about sports. As part of my research, I joined a few adult sporting leagues, and it was absolutely incredible to see the difference that it made. Within a few short months, I felt like I was healthier than ever before. This blog is all about enjoying sports and making the most of your free time.

Watch Out For This Wording When You Buy A Sports Ticket

3 October 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

When you're shopping for a ticket to a sporting event, you no longer have to visit the stadium's ticket office. Instead, a variety of online sources means that you can easily buy tickets on your home computer or mobile device. While you'll want to evaluate factors such as the location of your seats and the price, as well as any fees that may be part of the online transaction, there are several other things that you should watch out for. Read More …

Two Alternative Ways To Use Custom Sports Ribbons

18 September 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Sports ribbons are typically awarded to people who win sports events, such as track meets and gymnastic competitions. However, they can be used for a lot of different things if you're creative enough. Here are two alternative uses for sports ribbons that you may not have thought of: Wedding Decorations If you and your soon-to-be-spouse are sports fanatics, you can use custom sports ribbons as wedding decorations. There are several ways you can tastefully incorporate these items into your wedding theme. Read More …

Three Reasons To Say “Yes” When Your Teen Asks To Take Break Dancing Classes

2 September 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If your teen comes to you asking to take break dancing classes, you might be tempted to say "no," figuring that this is just another phase they are going through and that they will soon move onto another interest. However, you may want to re-think that decision. Break dancing classes are a lot more than a source of entertainment. In fact, they offer a lot of benefits for teens. Here are three reasons to say " Read More …

Thinking About Summer Camp For Your Child? 5 Reasons Why The Answer Should Be Yes!

27 July 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Summer camps have long been a welcome adventure for children. Summer camps are different from day camps, which are little more than extensions of the school experience. Kids go off to summer camp for a week, or even a month or more. If you are asking yourself if heading off for camp is right for your child, here's some excellent reasons why it's a super idea. Social Interaction Sure, if you live in a neighborhood your child has the opportunity for social interaction. Read More …

Want To Purchase An Electric Scooter? 3 Different Types You Can Choose From

19 July 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you would like to purchase an electric scooter, you will find there are different types you can choose from. What you choose will depend on what you plan to use the scooter for, however. Keep reading to learn of three electric scooters that you can find on the market so you can decide what would work best for you and your needs. Electric Scooter Cooler If you need to take cold beverages and food with you while you are driving your scooter, you should consider getting an electric scooter cooler. Read More …